Thursday, June 21, 2012

Spring flow

This spring has been pretty intensive for me. First was rather short Corsica trip which was one big unsuccesful mission - we left friday night and were back in Prague by monday morning. It all included travelling all the way to Corsica, looking for water there and driving back (+ 2 big parties on ferry).

Anyway, after this trip the winter was finally over also in Czech and we were really happy to have some intense days of whitewater paradise. Everything was running many times which is not always happening. Sometimes the snow just slowly melts, but this year was diferent. Snowpack was quite high and especially one weekend was just unbeliaveble.
Finest creeks were on with flow that was never there before. Check out this four minute edit that shows what it's like to paddle in 25 degrees and sunshine in mid April.

Czech it out :)
Spring flow from Matěj Holub on Vimeo.

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